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Showing posts from August, 2011

Mod Podge photos

Once again, mod podge to the rescue for a quick thoughtfulness kind of gift! Why is it I have to do something fun and creative RIGHT before going out of town or before a special day? Then I'm rushing to get packed up and hubby asks why in the world do I do this? Easy....I love it!!! These were the 1.99 wooden plaques from Hobby Lobby, paint the edges, brush some MP, apply the photo, brush more MP, attach a ribbon (in my case...because I can't just do anything easy, I made a fabric strip and twisted fabric flower) and hang. ADORABLE, I KNOW!!!!! I almost couldn't give this away (but then DH would've asked why I had to rush and cause us to be late when I could've finished this later).

Skirt of many ruffles

So, I became addicted to and came across this skirt (pinned on my board) and thought, 'OH, I could do this no problem'...............then I had a few cheerleaders and became pumped up about starting this project! Off to Joann's (not expecting to find fabric there that I'd actually like) and these five prints popped out so fast I knew I had to do this! OH SO FEMININE............but what a beast it was to add these ruffles (to a previously owned long black Ann Taylor skirt I hadn't worn in like a decade)! I think the skirt must weigh like 23 lbs! It ended up taking me a good 2 weeks to complete these and I was dreading each ruffle before I was halfway done...TIDYIOUS....rgh! I'm most excited about the tie I made for my little sweetheart to coordinate with this ruffly beast! pics to post soon btw, I'm not a model, hate modeling and my 6.5 year old was the photographer but I really wanted to post this creation!